Astronaut Quartet Ready: Four Indian astronauts in Russia continue intense training on spacecraft operations and space survival, mastering the art of living and working off-world.

Test Flights Ignite Anticipation: Crucial test flights, including the thrilling Crew Escape System demonstration, take to the skies later this year, paving the path for the historic crewed mission.

2024 Countdown Begins: ISRO sets its sights on a crewed mission before the year's end, signifying a giant leap for India's spacefaring ambitions.

Crew Capsule Prepares for Liftoff: The Crew Module, astronauts' home during their cosmic voyage, undergoes meticulous final touches and testing, ensuring a smooth and safe journey.

Reusable Rocket Gathers Steam: The powerful GSLV Mark III, tasked with propelling the crew skyward, undergoes further enhancements and ground tests, ready to fulfill its critical role.

Global Collaboration Fuels Success: India joins hands with international partners like Roscosmos, leveraging expertise and technology exchange for a successful mission.

Beyond the Stars: Economic & Technological Gains: Gaganyaan not only pushes scientific boundaries but also boosts India's technological prowess and national pride, inspiring future generations

STEM Ignition: Inspiring Young Minds: This mission serves as a beacon for young minds, encouraging them to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

lobal Stage Beckons: A successful Gaganyaan mission cements India's position as a leading spacefaring nation, contributing significantly to global exploration efforts.

A New Era Dawns: Gaganyaan marks a monumental step forward for India's space program, opening doors to further exploration, collaboration, and a future among the stars.